Ottawa Valley


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The area between Renfrew County, the greater Ottawa Area and the Pontiac Region (West Quebec).

Grass-fed beef is beef that is raised solely on grass. The official meaning of grass-fed beef does vary per region or institutions but what we mean on this site is grass-fed and grass-finished beef; solely grass and plants that grow naturally in the grass.

This will all depend on your own needs. We listed the best services available on this site. Some are specialized in just meat & fish, some are meal kits and some offer a more grocery alike assortment.

For this it’s best to check on the company websites themselves to get the best information as it will vary per provider. We do know that Papa Earth and Carnivore Club ship Canada-wide.

Yes, we believe that it’s always better to buy local meat as you will support local farmers and the local economy. On top of that less energy is wasted to transportation which is better or the environment.